
expanding our portfolio in Brazil

Chevron employee working in a virtual environment

Exploration is essential to the growth of our business. In Brazil, Chevron applies technology, skills and experience to identify new investment opportunities.

Currently, our exploration portfolio includes 11 blocks located in the Campos and Santos basins. In 2018, we acquired six new blocks: one block as operator in the Santos Basin and, as partner, three non-operated joint ventures located in the Campos Basin and two in the Santos Basin. In 2019, the company acquired the blocks SM-766 and CM-845 as an operator; and other three blocks as a partner non-operated: CM-825, CM-713 and CM-659(please refer to the map below to see the location of our exploration projects).

Brazil assets

Map showing the location of exploration projects

Our team of geologists and geophysicists is responsible for evaluating seismic information and data on the exploratory prospects in our portfolio. We work together with Chevron's research and technical excellence centers in search of solutions that contribute to the increase of our company's reserves.

Guided by The Chevron Way, we are continuing our quest to find and develop new sources of energy to fuel human and economic progress and prosperity in Brazil and around the globe.