creating prosperity

supporting the sustainable development of communities

Chevron Brasil invests in social projects that support the sustainable development of the communities in the areas where we operate. We partner with government institutions, communities and non-profit organizations on the identification, planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of all our projects, whose focus is on youth and women who are proven to be great investment multipliers. 

Since 2010, our company has been successfully supporting projects aimed at training entrepreneurs and young people - technical and vocational training - in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. In 2018, we redirect our investment strategy to São João da Barra municipality, in Rio de Janeiro state, where our exploration base was located. We have also expanded our portfolio to support health projects.

Between 2010 and 2019, Chevron Brasil invested around US$ 8.1 million in these programs, benefiting approximately 32,000 people.

<strong>transforming the present</strong>

transforming the present

The project "Transforming the Present, Designing the Future" aims to reduce students dropout and improve the school performance indexes in São João da Barra municipality, in partnership with Instituto Aliança and Secretariat of Education.


Our projects seek to provide communities with the necessary skills to their professional development, creating new opportunities and improving the quality of life of these people.

Between 2010 and 2017, Chevron Brasil invested in several projects in Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo states. From 2018, we started to support a program in the São João da Barra municipality, that has already benefited over 500 young people from 6 public schools by 2021. In 2022, we extended the program to all 12 schools in the municipality, benefiting approximately 350 students per year. In total, more than 3,000 young people have already benefited in both states.

local partnership icon

Through decades of experience, we have learned that our business success is deeply linked to the progress of the communities in the areas where we operate.

To find out more, read our social investment reports

economic development

These projects aim to promote the sustainable development of entrepreneurs and small businesses in the communities where we operate. These are technical training and business management programs, encouraging the local community to open their own enterprises. In 2019, the focus of this segment became the artisan groups of São João da Barra, with training to strengthen management skills and production structure. The objective is to help increase the sales and income of each group.

Rede Asta artisan

Rede Asta artisan

<h4 style="text-align: justify;">empowering women</h4>

empowering women

Women were given a chance to contribute to social and economic growth, benefiting not only their own families through the income generated but also the community.


We recognize that there is a deeper interdependence between healthy businesses and healthy societies. We know that when the communities where we operate thrive, we also thrive. In line with our corporate social investment strategy, Chevron Brasil expanded its portfolio and included support in the health area in 2018.

Our goal is to benefit these communities by implementing projects that help to respond to demands and alleviate the local needs. Among the initiatives is the donation of a fluorescence microscope for the advanced cancer diagnostics laboratory of the Martagão Gesteira Childcare and Pediatrics Institute, located on the campus of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

The laboratory operated with a single equipment to perform 520 tests and, with the arrival of the new device, will double its capacity to carry out tests and serve other public pediatric hospitals in Rio de Janeiro.

Another company initiative was the donation of 75 wheelchairs and 75 bath chairs for the Health Secretariat of São João da Barra municipality.