The result of a partnership between Chevron and the Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan) since 2015, the Chevron Qualifica project promoted, this week the graduation of two more classes. Since the beginning of the program, more than 110 students have already received technical qualifications in the areas of welding, environmental supervision with emphasis on solid waste management and work safety. In this first semester of 2017, 65 students were trained. 

For the second semester, the company will sponsor new classes of professional qualification, with the opening of 60 new vacancies. Those interested should participate in the selection process that will be held in July, with the beginning of classes scheduled for August. In addition to the training, the selected students also receive transportation assistance during the whole period of the courses.

The purpose of Qualifica Chevron is to promote inclusion through qualified technical education in skills related to the Oil & Gas industry, as well as addressing issues related to social and citizen training. This project is part of Chevron Brasil's commitment to establish meaningful relationships with the communities where the company operates.

feature story partnership for social and technical development