The morning of October 15th was very emotional for the artisans of the Rede Asta Business School, a social project supported by Chevron Brasil in São João da Barra. The group of 30 entrepreneurs took part in a virtual graduation ceremony of the course that taught them tools to promote and boost their businesses.

The event was attended by the Chevron Business Development & Corporate Affairs Manager, Patricia Pradal; and the Chevron Social Responsibility Coordinator, Charles Guerra.

“This is a very valuable and important partnership for us because it transforms your art into sustainable businesses. We have already developed this project in other places, but we chose São João da Barra this time because we are committed to continue supporting the progress of the municipality”, said Patricia.

Stories of transformation, motivation and self-knowledge filled the ceremony and touched everyone who participated in the online event. At the end, the artisan and class speaker, Vera Lúcia Francisco da Silva, made an emotional speech: “We started our course in a way and today our graduation will be a little different than we thought. We got used to the digital technology because of the pandemic and today it is the basis of our business. We can only thank the wonderful mentoring we received and taught us to have patience and dedication to achieve our dreams”.

The initial face-cleanup-to-face-cleanup course was completely redesigned to the digital format to meet the new reality of social isolation imposed by coronavirus pandemic. Rede Asta, Chevron Brasil’s partner in the social project, reviewed the entire content and started to adopt tools such as Zoom, Instagram and WhatsApp to keep the artisans engaged.

“We are very proud to have managed to get through this period with you.  The pandemic brought this positive point: we reinvented ourselves and created new opportunities”, said Rachel Schettino, Rede Asta foundress.

During the ceremony, Rede Asta presented the product catalog of the Rede Criativa de São João da Barra – an organization created by the own artisans to promote the items produced by them. The product was developed by Fernanda Sklovsky, Rede Asta designer, in partnership with the design company Oster.

To close the online event, the institution presented the results that reinforce the success of the project in São João da Barra: 138 hours of activities in 46 online meetings, with 90% of participants’ presence, which resulted in 10% growth in the business of the entrepreneurs according to the diagnostic report index developed by Rede Asta.

“We are very happy with the result of the project that always had the purpose of helping the artisans to boost their businesses”, said Charles Guerra.

notícias Artesãs em São João da Barra concluem curso de projeto social apoiado pela Chevron Brasil